
By andyclicks

Thank you

Fairly ordinary day at school, won't go into detail. A few funny moments, all the children seemed to be in a really hyper mood, not helped due to the fact they didn't have their regular teacher today.

This afternoon, after a complete episode with a parent who wanted me to teach her 5 year old daughter the flute. Again won't go into detail, because it was really frustrating, quite stressful and don't want to get back into it. Anyways yes, I came home and fell asleep again, been doing that a lot again recently :/

Went to tescos after dinner too. Mum wanted to do a shop, and also I wanted to get a card and something small to give the children to say thankyou for having me at work experience. After a lot of decision making, we decided to get a mini pack of haribo's, and one of these novelty rubbers each. I'll give them to them tomorrow, but I have to leave early which is a shame as I have a concert in aid of local charities I believe.

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