Step Cautiously

By alixmarie11

"This game is better than Spades"

So here's the good news: it finally stopped raining at home. Almost died on the way home on the highway. Can't say I enjoyed riding the waves behind an 18-wheeler and then people not realizing that because it's raining, there is a lot of mist that will fly off of the back of their tires. Needless to say, my windshield wipers can only go so fast and for a while there I was blind as the women in the rec hall playing bridge right now. But more good news I guess is the fact that I'm alive and offending old women everywhere. (Sorry if that was offensive!!!)

So now for the bad news: I forgot my camera battery at work. Okay, so maybe it's not a totally tragedy to you, but last week two people at work got fired for stealing, so I'm going to pray to the God I don't believe in that my charger will survive the night. (Again, so sorry to those I may have offended.)

To all you readers/viewers out there, I do want to thank you for all your support and I do apologize for the picture's quality today. I was out in the rain, wet socks and bended knee trying to capture an ounce of light for this picture. So enjoy the droplets of moisture nestled snug on their petals. Had I had my actual camera they may have been more vibrant. But, alas, there is no camera battery, therefore no really pretty droplets. Hope rain drops on roses and whiskers on kittens, bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens, and brown paper packages all tied up with strings are not a few of your favorite things.

So here's to tomorrow. A brighter day, a better take pictures obviously. Hope you all had a dry day (meant in the best way possible of course). And for those of you suffering through this downpour along the North-Eastern United States, keep safe and warm please! Hope the little bit of light in my Blip bring hope to your day.

"Maybe it's not my weekend, but it's gonna be my year. I'm so sick of watching while the minutes pass as I go nowhere. This is my reaction to everything I fear. 'Cuz I've been going crazy. I don't wanna waste another minute here."

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