
By Juleshki

It's Late

In the Evening.

No, I won't be mentioning Eric Clapton again, even though it is.

Such inclement weather today. But I've got my 50+ sun screen and I'm ready for this weekend's predicted heat wave. I just hope it can stretch this far North of Watford and reach us in Lancashire.

Anyway... late and noisy.
No, not me this time, but my blip.

I put that down to a couple of things.

One, it being taken with a very high ISO, due to not being fussed enough to get the tripod out. Just the monopod on this occasion.

And two, it's very wet and windy outside. Can you not hear it?
It's dreadful. Well into June and I've not had the watering can out for months.

Oh and the white Santa, well, he's something of a permanent fixture on the window sill.
Be bad luck to take him down now.

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