Worn down rather badly, 31000 miles later

'This is where the lip of rust was effecting the brake disks, it might have been making the brakes squeal a bit.'

For reasons of curiosity, I am interested to see how work carried out is done, and so it was today following the brakes being in for some front and back replacement action. I'm sure I really annoy all plumbers and electrians who have the misfortune of coming to do some work for us. Might be that I am on some sort of boring question blacklist.

Something along the lines of .....

Mr Club107 - Constantly asking extremely obvious questions, is he taking the mickey or something. Persistent with it, avoid this clown at all costs. Refuse tea as it is an excuse for more questions.

Somehow, today was one of the most frustrating for a very very long time. Apart from having the repairs carried out, the weather continued to disappoint, like a leaky shower head, it dripped all day long, no wind. Ever get the feeling when you try to do something that no matter how you do it, it could never be done in a slower way, that was today, making beds, took roughly 45 minutes, I mean there are only three of them but there was the public library that is our eldest's bed to be cleared. Having removed 8 books from her bed, I was surprised not to find some elderly woman quietly readin in a corner. Not to mention the fact that I cleaned the cooker only for it to be covered in quiche preparation debris. That said, it was a stunning quiche and a grand way to use up some rogue courgettes and mushrooms skulking round the fridge.

So long live tomorrow and less frustration.


Oh and a beautiful mirror fell off the wall and had to be binned.

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