
By stravaig

Armed Forces Day - Edinburgh

A great visit to Edinburgh today for the Armed Forces parade from the Castle to Holyrood Park via The Royal Mile. Lots of VIPs around (Royal and political) and this blip photo captures Prince Charles saluting the Scottish soldiers who were on parade. The Royal Navy, Royal Marines, Army regiments, Parachute Regiment, Veterans and cadets were all marching and very impressive it was too. They all got a great reception from the crowds.

Flypasts by the Red Arrows and by the Battle of Britain flight were also highlights of the parade as was (later in the afternoon) a flypast by Tornado aircraft. VIPs we spotted were Prince Charles and Camilla; David Cameron; Liam Fox; Michael Moore; and Alex Salmond.

We got lots of photos including some of the Prime Minister and Scotland's First Minister on walkabout in the afternoon.

If you would like to get a flavour of the event and of the Red Arrow flying display on Friday evening I've posted some more photos on my website - Fraser's website. There is a featured gallery on the front page. (ps If the link does not work the the full web address is

I'm also experimenting in posting images on Flickr so feel free to try that if the above link is not successful (adding links is still an experiement for me!). The details are: Fraser's Flickr page. The set is called Armed Forces Days - Edinburgh June 2011. If you do look at the site I hope you enjoy the images of what was a great couple of days for Edinburgh.

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