The Corner of Your Heart

By LifeInEveryWord

If you have something to say

It was just one of those nights
Sitting by the fence on the overpass, calculating the drop and measuring the chill in the air with my fingertips
I can't say I'm proud of this picture
But I'm not proud of much these days
I just thought that, as long as I was crumbling, I might as well document it

I have absolutely no reason to be mad at you
You've been amazing to me, and I've been nothing but trouble for you
But nevertheless, I'm breaking
Tonight, of all nights, when I can't bring myself to bother you
I'm collapsing on the overpass, on my way back home

I can't remember what brought me here
Maybe the thought that crossed my mind as I neared this bridge
Turn sharp right. Hit gas. Be free.
It scared me more than anything
And the next thing I know I'm pulled over by the off ramp waiting for some sanity
I hate this.
I don't want to be her. I don't want to be your burden.
But here I am, sitting on the cold cement, hoping one of the cars that passes is yours
Wondering if you'd recognize me in the gleam of your headlights
I've lost it.

This probably isnt about you.
It's about him. And school. And my sister. And my demons.
You don't have to call
You don't have to write
Because this isn't your problem
It's mine

So I'm frozen up here on the overpass
Waiting for a sign to move
To be more than this
Better than this
To be worthy
I'll be worthy one day

But until then, I'll be waiting on this overpass

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