
By PrimeMart

Room 101

101 st blip today, and as fans of George Orwell (or perhaps Paul Merton) know, in room 101 you will find your worst fear or phobia.

Now wasps probably are not my worst fear, but it was not easy getting this shot. I know it only looks like one dead, dusty wasp, off of the window sill, with the pin holding it up clumsily cloned out.... but

They came in high, diving straight out of the sun, a whole swarm, angry and aggressive. Sun light flicking off their wings, weopens at the ready dripping poison. Merryn and Poppy had scarpered and were not covering my tail - I was over exposed. I figured attack was the best form of defence. I saw a small aperture of opportunity and hefted my SLR in to position and powered up. I tried to compose myself, and focussed hard. I filtered out everything else. I would need all of my 10 million pixels to shoot these. One broke away from the swarm and zoomed in on me, I set my SLR to macro mode, activated super steady shot and blipped away.

So that is actually how it happened!

Many thanks for all your messages of support on yesterday's 100th.

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