It's a dogs life!

By LilytheLab

Being Helpful

Today I have been mostly helpful........

After a gorgeous walk in the woods this morning, with the Pugs and Lemmy the labrador, mum had lots of housework to do so I gave her a hand. I have helped with:

Hanging out the washing
Cleaning the kitchen floor
Putting the bins out & sorting the recycling
Changing the cat litter tray
I would have helped her clean the bathroom too but I'm not allowed upstairs!

I do like being helpful. It is GREAT fun. Although mum says Lily NO.... ALOT....... She is so ungrateful at times. Hummppppphhhh

I had a great training session tonight at class. Daddy came along to watch as he is working from home for a few days. It was GREAT having him to watch. I really showed off my new skills.

I did:
Walking backwards, mums word for this is beep, beep, beep (like a lorry reversing!)
Walking on a plank and stopping at the end
Walking over some poles laid close together
Running around a circuit, OFF MY LEAD, staying close to mum at HEEL on the left and SIDE on the right. Switching from side to side when she said the words.

Then the best bit of all, I did a Wait, 3 jump bumps and straight through the tunnel! That was GREAT, I am sooooooo clever aren't I? We have only been going for 3 weeks.

Teacher was VERY pleased with me and my mum. She said to mum you can tell you have been working hard. Mum was glowing with pride because she never did very well at school and was never noticed, so she liked us getting some praise for once ;-)

The only thing that went a bit wrong was that mum went to the other side of the tunnel to call me through, and I shot through so fast that she didn't move in time and I ran right into her face! Oooops! I almost broke her nose. Her eyes were watering a lot. They said she might have black eyes tomorrow. I really hope not.

I am going to give her a lots of snuggles tonight because I have had such a great day with her and SO MUCH FUN :-)

I also must not forget to thank everyone that made Poppy, Merryn and I spotlight stars yesterday. We were spotlight in 2 blips! We are very famous. I might have to start practicing my pawtograph!

Bye for now
Lily xxx

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