Step Cautiously

By alixmarie11

Living Life on a Whimsy

I love my brother. No matter what we're doing or if we're fighting or not, he just gets these spontaneous ideas that make me smile.

This time it was, "Ali go outside." Next thing I knew, we had a bunch of fireworks and we were lighting them outside in the backyard. (Mom wasn't home :P)

We had a few duds (the fireworks were 15 years old) but we had some amazing ones too. Best part was my camera was on 1% battery so there I was yelling at him to light the damn thing and snapping about a million pictures. And thank God I did. This along with about 6 others made the final cut, but this one I think takes the cake.

The other one I'll just set to my background on my computer at work. ;)

Happy Tuesday!! :D

"Let me light up the sky, light it up for ou. Let me tell you why, I would die for you."

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