Step Cautiously

By alixmarie11


This is one of my best friends; more like sister. For the past 6 years, she has been there for me through all the ups and downs. I know she is always there when I need her.

Perfect example. Ever have one of those days that you just get so frustrated you want to hurl furniture at little children? No, that's just me? Well, anyway. I had one of those days. (And so did Lyssa.) What better way to spend those kind of days than with a friend, sister.

Here is a little background on her. She is my brother's ex-girlfriend. What an odd friendship, right? Well to be fair, it wouldn't have transpired if it weren't for my brother. They dated for almost four years. I was devistated when they broke up because I thought I would be losing the sister I never had. Ever just click so perfectly with someone? Ever have to lose that someone? I did. For a little while at least. But my brother, being the amazing sybling that he is, told me he couldn't put me through that. By him saying I couldn't still be friends sisters with Alyssa, it was like taking away a part of my family.

And thank God for that. Here we are 2 years after the break-up, spending most of our time together. I could not ask for a better sister even if my mother made me one. I see so much motivation in her and I strive to produce the same. She is everything I look up to and more. For her, even the sky is not the limit. She'll make it far, I know she will. I have more faith in her than anyone else I know. She makes the sun shine brighter and the light at the end of the tunnel seem so much closer. She's so strong; not only for herself, but for me as well.

I love her as much as a sister ought to. And I know she feels the same.

"A friend reaches for your hand and touches your heart."

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