
By spitzimixi

it's a leek!

our garden is really going mad right now, we've had loads of salad out of it already, tonight the first courgettes joined the meat on the barbecue, the brocoli is brocoling and the kohlrabi (all 24 of them) look like they will be ready exactly when we're on holiday. I love my vegetable garden and never cease to be amazed about how tiny little seeds, a bit of homemade compost and some water can turn into such yummy food for my family.
We did the 'we're going on holiday soon' clean and tidy of the house today and I've washed all our clothes (well, the ones that were dirty). I've also started to put together little piles of things I don't want to forget and make lists, which I then lose and worry about what was on them. The last time we went on a proper holiday, that didn't involve visiting relatives, was in 2003. I'm really looking forward to exploring a new bit of the world and, most importantly, doing sod all for a week or so :-)

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