
Awakened by my husband at 7.30 who jumped out of bed, full of the joys of spring. I asked him what he was doing (probably with a tone the indicated that I was not impressed at seeing that time on a sunday morning) and he announced that he was going out on his motorbike "before it gets too hot".

I groaned and rolled back over.

Was rudely awoken at 9am by my alarm clock. I switched it off. I must have done it violently, as it is now broken.

Was awoken, more gently, around 12, with a cup of tea. Nice husband.

I stumbled from my pit, got semi-dressed and trundled outside to sit in the sun. It was hot hot hot.

Returned indoors, got slightly less semi dressed, covered myself in suncream and took the Kindle outside, with a brew, and baked for an hour. I did put some laundry out so I wasn't a complete lazy arse.

We went for a bike ride over to a local pub. We got there to find it was closed - due to re-open on Tuesday after a refurb. Gutted. Back on the bikes and over to the pub which is near home. Lovely lunch - two for one. Sat in the beer garden watching the world, and motorbikes, go by. It was blissful.

Home, more sunbaking, lots of reading and went to collect James. He promptly came in, spent forever in the shower (he has discovered showers, and now will not have baths - daily shower is much preferable). He used my shampoo and conditioner. The bathroom was like a steam room when he had finished. My only contribution was to apply calamine lotion to about 25 bites that are spread across his abdoment, chest, legs and arms.

I was feeling very chilled. But then phone conversations this evening have left me feeling emotionally drained and a bit like I am a bad person, even though I know I'm not. I'm reliving a situation from nearly 6 years ago, where misinformation led to me being judged badly, and it taking a long time to rectify. It's not happening again.

Anyway, you are left with an utterly crap self portrait. My apologies!!!

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