Cat farts

can be deafening.

Not really. I asked James to let me take a photo so I could blip. I put the flash gun on and discovered that James' range of hearing is clearly much better than mine, because he was complaining about the wining noise from the flash when I could no longer hear it.

I was full of sympathy.

"Just let me take a few photos then I'll switch it off"

This is what he did!

It does look like my James doesn't it? I only ask, because this evening I have been faced with a creature who has offered to go to the shops to get some bits and pieces for me, has tidied his room, has done guitar practice without being asked, has remembered to get his letters out of his school bag, has ASKED FOR FRUIT and subsequently eaten it, and has cleaned his teeth without being asked 5 times.

In conjunction with yesterday's personal hygiene marathon, I am wondering if I have an imposter living with me.

No, not really - he's mine and I love him, despite the fact that he nicks my shampoo and conditioner!

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