With mountains like these

By Sollergirl

Your love is

After our trip to Palma, Little Agu had obviously been very taken by the street artists and had improvised his own living sculpture. After placing a coin in the riding hat, he slowly wrote a message and revealed it be..."Tu amor es un amor romantico" (Your love is a romantic love). I've no idea.

They went off for a scoot on their bikes, came back very dirty and happy and then left a trail of grubbiness in the bathroom. I'd been to the hairdressers and got my glad rags on, Roxy came to babysit and off I went to a fabulous party at Mike and Susie's for their son's birthday. Beautiful house and garden, great food and music and really interesting company. I'm always so impressed by the Dutch (as the younger crowd were predominately so) in their ability to speak English so fluently and at the same time be funny and charming. I laughed until the early hours.

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