Booky Goatherd

By Booky_Goatherd

Wednesday: Choices

I did the weekly shop today.  Bear with me, there is a point to this photo!

I used to live in Bangladesh for four years.  When I returned to live in the UK and wanted to do a first shop for my new flat, I remember being completely overwhelmed by the range of choice in the supermarkets.  Knowing what to choose was just beyond me and I remember walking out almost empty-handed.  My partner, K., spent a year working in an orphanage in Bolivia and had much the same experience when returning to the UK.

Like everyone else, I have become immune to the huge range and take it for granted, but sometimes, when I'm pushing my trolley round, I do wonder at what stage it becomes too much.  Whatever that stage is, I think we have passed it.

This was the flour aisle (does this count as a flower flour blip?).  Don't even get me started on the bread aisle!

See!  I can do deep and meaningful when I try!

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