
By wonderfulworld

Cliffs of North Mayo

I am learning a lot about bird life in the West. Today my friend wanted to travel an hour or so to North Mayo to check out some Peregrin sites. We took both cars so that we could leave one in one location and the other in another and walk over the cliffs. I left my car in Porturlin and we drove to Portacloy in I's car, and then headed up the cliffs from this beautiful white sandy cove.
These are some of the birds I have seen: Wheat Ear, Meadow Pippets, Fulmers, Choughs, a Twite (quite rare), a Great Skua(rare), a Peregrin and a Grass Warbler.
We were half way across the cliffs when my friend checked with me that I had the keys of my car....I didn't! I had left them in the glove compartment of her car! So we decided that she would go on and finish the walk while I went back and drove her car around. Despite that, the cliff walk was incredible, it was hard not to take a ton of shots.
We went to the local pub, the Grainne Whale, for a bite to eat and a couple of pints and then home.

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