Step Cautiously

By alixmarie11

Welcome to Heaven. The View is Great.

Tim surprised me yet again with another trip to a stunning place. This time he took me to Haystack Mountain.

We hiked for a little to get to the top and then we had to climb the stairs of the tower that was at the top, but trust me when I tell you it was so worth the asthma attack I almost had to endure when I got to the top of the tower and saw this.

Best thing about this picture, it's not edited. Second best thing about this picture, it perfectly describes how I felt at that moment when I was with Tim.

They say poetry speaks to the soul. This sight was like seeing poetry. I've only ever dreamed about places like this; never knowing they could really exist. Looking out at the top of this tower I saw nature. All it's beauty, all it's wonder. I just pray I was able to capture all that in this photo. I hope that when you look at this picture, you feel my heart pounding in my chest, you experience the sense of wonder floating across the sky, and you smell the wind whipping through the air. But most of all, I hope you feel part of something bigger than yourself. I felt so humbled by this sight that it literally brought tears to my eyes.

For those of you who know me, and those of you who don't, I try to steer clear of my emotions because they tend to only leave me feeling vulnerable and hurt. But seeing all this in front of me, I felt a flood (haha, tear pun) of emotion surging back into my body when I finally put into context the words Ralph Waldo Emerson once said. "Adopt the pace of nature. Her secret is patience." and "A great man is always willing to be little."

You know what those mean? I plan on telling you anyway.
Well separated they may mean differently, but in conjunction with one another, they mean that there is but one sense of self and one speed of time. Thou shall not rush into the world blind, but by taking notice of that which surrounds him. But taking note will not be enough without appreciation as well. Thou must do well to not only be proud of the man thou are, but also become relevant to the fact that all living things are part of one Soul. Take head from thy brothers and sisters and find happiness in not only the selfish doings of thine own self, but the actions of others as well, especially thy Mother.

Sorry, when I start quoting Emerson, the true poet in me emerges and I jump back about 100 years in language. It just seems to me that if you are quoting the beautiful words of a master like Emerson, you too should find eloquence in your language.

"I hope you never lose your sense of wonder. whenever one door closes I hope one more opens. I hope you never take a single breath for granted."

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