Booky Goatherd

By Booky_Goatherd

Saturday: Seeing Into The Future

This morning, K. and I went to the park with our 22 month old godson, Oz, and his parents.  We went to a park we hadn't been to before and which had a fantastic playground.  

They had this thing called a 'Sky Ride' which was basically like a saddle on a monorail that had dips and peaks in it.  You were supposed to sit on it, maintain your balance and do a full circuit.  Well, fine if you're 7 - less so if you are 42.  Suffice to say the next thing I knew I was lying in a heap of woodshavings, having flown off the thing in quite a spectacular manner.  

When I am 80, riding around in a bathchair, moaning about my hips, I'll remember this day!

Also went into Richmond to run a few errands - this is a back alley in the centre of Richmond.  I love its sense of history.

Thanks so much for your comments yesterday - I am a bit runny roundy this weekend (hips permitting) so may take a day or two to catch up.

I'm off to have a hot bath.......*last seen hobbling off into distance*..........

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