Sorting & Building

20months 19days.

I do love Saturdays. We enjoy a leisurely morning. Katie has introduced a habit of having herself some naked time first thing, and for some reason this always marks the start of really enthusiastic play time. She did some great tower building with her wood blocks and her megabloks. She's taken to insisting that each mini tower be made of only one colour. Today she enjoyed time running cars and trains around her happyland track, which she's not much been interested in before.

She announced that she wanted strawberries, but yesterday she finished the last of our box so I decided we would go pick some, as we were seeing the Cousins later too so it'd be a nice snack too. Last time, strawberry picking was lots of fun, but there weren't that many strawberries. This time, there were LOADS. It chucked it down as we arrived but soon stopped. Besides, Katie was itching to get out in her wellies and raincoat.

We set off after strawberry picking and she was asleep in minutes, so I drove straight to her swimming lesson and let her sleep. She was very pleased it was swimming when she woke up. She was a bit unimpressed it wasnt her swimming teacher today (and the stand in had almost no clue). But she was extremely excited to be at swimming. She did some great swimming and is trying hard to do star floats on her own. She even decided she now like woggles as she discovered she can float and swim with them! She loved playing on the boards, but did not want to do crocodiles along the stairs!

After swimming we went to the garden centre. The intention was only to go to buy some cake to take with us to the Cousins, but Katie asked to go for a drink. She ate quite a bit too whilst we were there, as well as drinking a full milk jug of milk!

We had a lovely time with the Cousins. Really relaxed with beautiful sunshine for the first time today. Katie was extremely excited to be there and was literally bouncing off the sofa when she first arrived. We sat out in the garden, eating strawberries and cake. Katie was belting round and round followed by the Cousins, stopping only to run and get more strawberries.

Saturdays are good!

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