From where i stand!!!

By Dancingninja

Lady bird Lady bird fly away home....

And she did straight after her little photo shoot!!

Z has gone off on his road trip with school today, seems very quiet without him and B looked very lost, so we invited his little friend over, who seems to be taking up residence here, again not sure when he will be venturing home seems to be an open invitation in this house and they stay all day, thankfully their mums pick them up at some point.

So when they were bored of doing stuff here we ventured out on a bug hunt and found loads of little critters, think at one point B had 4 grasshoppers in his hand. Lovely to watch him and his little friend running in and out the long grasses, the draw back of this is he'll be covered in bites later and have to have anti histamine. It's worth it though to get them out in the fresh air whilst it's not raining!!


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