
By Fisherking

...When the volcano blow......

One of the model volcanoes built by my group yesterday. You probably recognise it from the huge ash plume spewing out of the top...yes...... it's the Eyjafjallajokulll volcano on Iceland that grounded all the aircraft in 2010, some built this, some built Arthur's Seat in Edinburgh, some built Bardon Hill and others built Soufriere Hills in Montserrat,

They also learnt some Spanish words linked to volcanoes, like Anillo del Fuego, Tierra del Fuego, volcan, erupcion, inactivo, they learned about South American volcanoes. They drew and labelled the ring of fire on a world map, and drew and labelled a volcano in both English and Spanish.

I think that fulfills the criteria for Spanish week!

On other fronts, no news about the brother-in-law (which could be good, or bad), my sister is back in the job market and her radio-therapy is going well, Dad has finally learned how to talk to me via MSN messenger and twenty two kids and four mums turned up for fishing coaching tonight. I helped a little 5 year old to catch his first fish (a perch), and his second (a skimmer bream, and his third (a roach)...his dad said it would be difficult to get one happy little boy to sleep tonight!

The mums want to know if we'll do a ladies fishing evening sometime in the Summer holidays......I think we may need to negotiate with our other halves before we commit to that one.

Feeling more "up" tonight, thanks for all the kind comments and support.

Das vidanya moy padruga.

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