Step Cautiously

By alixmarie11

I'll Stand By You

Your feet are a magical thing. They carry you every where and they are the vehicles that take you to the places you need to go. They are the highest functioning part of your body.

Ever walk without really thinking about it? You're in a daze because you've found that you're dreaming about your home life, your family, or maybe even friends. Yet all of a sudden you take notice that you're walking. You're body is performing a function that you subconsciously told it to, yet you are not really consciously controlling it. It makes you wonder and take notice of all the little things you do that you may not even realize you do.

Take for example breathing. Everyone breathes in order to survive, yet have you ever stopped and just concentrated on your breathing? Well of course not. But every now and then I find myself wondering whether or not I was just breathing and how quickly or slowly I was and then I find that until I can find something else to sufficiently distract me, all I can do is breathe at the rate I think I should.

Some things in life are better left unexamined I guess. Because ever though I have warned you to not study your breathing or your walking, you will. You will find yourself trying to monitor the little things you normally leave to instinct and you will find that they are better left untouched. By thinking about your legs, you trip. By thinking about your breathing, you hyperventilate. By thinking about your fingers typing, you misspell. I do hope however, that you avoid thinking about that little voice in your head that you hear while reading this. I pray you don't spend time thinking of who's voice it is. Because while it is all well and good to question, the time you are spending wondering about that is time that you could be exploring the outreaches of your mind instead of pondering over the instinctual processes embedded in the race of which we are a part of.

"The unexamined life is worth living."

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