
By justbrian

The Bad ( part two of my trilogy)

Only three hours sleep today after finishing night shift, then a full day in the Kitchen and Utility area finishing the decorating. Popped out for an hour and got this for my "Bad" .

This is approximately four hundred metres from yesterdays blip.

I was surprised at how well it was received, I even made the spotlight but it must have been very briefly.

Tomorrows ugly is going to be a bit of a surprise, you have to remember that this is in a nature reserve, albeit a fledgling one.

It's food time now lamb, Humous and squeaky cheese in pitta bread with salad ( foraged from my own garden) and about eight cans of Old Speckled Hen.

On the plus side I managed to cycle today, only about five miles but I wanted to test my ankle, seems okay.


I did a few more for MY GALLERY

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