Life with our boys

By Lifewithourboys

So Sweet

Last night on Scott's way home from work I asked him to swing by the store to pick up a bag of ice and some bread. Since our "loaner" refrigerator has no built in ice or water we are all a little baffled as to what to do and have been needing to buy bagged ice until our new refrigerator arrives. My poor kids don't understand where they get a glass of water from if it's not in the refrigerator door. Makes me laugh! Anyway, he came home with the bread and this sweet little bouquet of flowers for me. What a nice surprise!! We laughed afterwards because he paid for a bag of ice but forgot to grab it. Oh well, I was quite touched by his gesture.

Today is very a gloomy day outside. Yesterday was amazing but the clouds and rain rolled in and it looks like tomorrow is suppose to be just as bad. My husband is at a golf tournament and then upon him returning we have a funeral to attend. An Elder at our church recently passed away after a short battle with cancer. My heart goes out to his family right now.

I backblipped yesterday because once again I ran out of time in the day to post it yesterday. I really need to be better about this. Thanks for stopping by!

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