
By Fi

In Transit and Macaroni Cheese

Up and out early for my two-sides of a triangle trip from Warsaw to Istanbul, via Zurich. I had never been to Switzerland before and so debated with myself whether an hour at Zurich airport qualified for a pin in the map but decided it doesn't.

Swiss (formerly Swissair...) were very good. Nice comfortable seats and plenty of leg-room, but unfortunately the doddery old chap in the middle seat in my row of three, who, bless his dentures, wasn't a frequent flyer and so didn't know where row 9 was, let alone that he shouldn't be hanging his two carrier bags on the coat hook-button on the chair in front. He obliviously enjoyed his lunch that was served, after jerking his chair back into the upright position with such a force, that the chap sat behind him, ended up with his macaroni cheese in a mess on the floor! The chap behind thumped the old guy's chair in anger and still he munched away on his bread roll(!) without a care in the world, while I pulled a 'he's not with me, but woops!' look and promptly got a load of Turkish abuse in response. Oh well!

Onwards and upwards.... Welcome to Istanbul!

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