.....Three little birds.....

You've met Hebs several times before, you met Jo last week and now here is Lisa.

Lisa is responsible for our International links and it was her who took me to Russia a few years ago.

I'm so lucky to have these three little birds as my mates.

This shot was taken this evening around about 8.15, after our Achievements Evening. You want to know what's remarkable about it?

These three are still smiling after a long, hard, difficult year and a 12 hour day today! That's what's remarkable!

They're all terrific teachers, wonderful people and good mates....and I'll fight anyone who says otherwise.

The Achievements Evening was a celebration of our pupils achivements over the last year. It was wonderful to see so many talented and delightful youngsters receiving awards and performing, dancing and singing for the entertainment of their friends and families.

Tomorrow is our Trips day....I'm taking 10 boys fishing, Jo and Lisa will be going to theme parks with entire year groups of pupils and poor Hebs gets to hold the fort at work! So with my coaching tomorrow that'll be another twelve hour day for me, and something similar for the girls. Teaching eh? It's a doddle.

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