.....the victor in the race......

These arrived today.

6 tickets for the Olympic Games football at Old Trafford!

The Boss, the Daughter, the Son and Heir, YH, Charlotte and me. £20 per ticket.....except for Charlie....hers is only £1.....kids tickets prices go on age. Five hours....two matches......Egypt v New Zealand and Belarus v Brazil!

Now we have to comply with the restrictions.....no bags....no food...no alcohol....no political comments or overt advertising on clothing......no air horns, vuvuzelas, rattles etc.....no more than 100 ml of liquid...no umbrellas....the list goes on. I've even had to send an email to check if I can take the camera because there are rules about large electronic, recording or imaging devices. Arrive two hours before the event starts.......airport style security....all pockets to be emptied...full scan....be prepared for delays when leaving...have they ever seen a football ground empty after a match?

Obviously we'll need something to eat and/or drink if we're there for that length of time so it will be wildly expensive approved merchandise......but still it's the Olympics.....and it's Brazil!

Two more get ups...but tomorrow doesn't count......I'm taking seven little boys and one member of staff for 6 hours of fishing....and the weather is supposed to be good.

Das vidanya moy padruga.

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