Step Cautiously

By alixmarie11


One of these days I'm going to get myself in trouble. It seems I have started to develop a bad habit of losing track of time while I'm with Tim. My mother is not too fond of this new habit.

So here we are about 20 minutes from my house, trying to make it back in about 10. It was possible take my word for it, but a bit risky to say the least. This car in front of us seems to be one of those annoyances that always seem to rear their ugly heads at the most inconvenient of times. Why is it that there is always a red light when you are running late? Or an old lady out past her curfew when you're rushing home?

But in the grand scheme of things, my suggestion to you is to take your time. While yes I will most likely not take my own advice, what is being a few minutes late and getting an ear full from a boss or parent compared to your life? while most people will not head my warning, I do pray that there are some out there that will see the wisdom in these words and just slow down or plan accordingly. Why do we always feel the need to be directly on time? We are clearly just setting ourselves up to be late. Why plan and leave ahead? What is the harm in being early?

It may not be the "cool" thing to drive carefully and safely, but doesn't it seem like the right thing?

"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I?, I took the one less traveled by. And that has made all the difference."

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