Step Cautiously

By alixmarie11


Tim and I were driving home today and I couldn't help but try to capture myself in yet another mirror.

It may sound weird, but I find myself thinking a lot about the mirror image that we see reflected back at us. I can't quite describe it, but just the whole idea that we're viewing our world not through our own eyes, but instead the reflection of our normal perspective.

Ever since I read Through the Looking Glass by Lewis Carroll, I've wondered about what we see through mirrors. I know that in reality it is just a piece of glass that is designed for the self-absorbed person so they can make sure they look appropriate in order to enter society's eye, but what if it were more.

Have you ever found yourself wondering about what it is that makes up this life? What if we're the ones stuck in the mirror and that little involuntary action of looking in a mirror is a happy coincidence that coincides with those living on the other side? Granted this whole concept sounds extremely superfluous and crazy. But what to know what is really crazy? The reason we would never accept this idea as a society is because of the actions and ideals of human nature. We can't stand to not be the center of attention. We believe ourselves to be alphas and to be the cream of the crop. Could you even understand the chaos that would erupt if we were told that was all an illusion? Take a second and really think about it. I do wholeheartedly believe this is why people refuse to believe in aliens.

Anything that can send a shock through our central belief system is immediately deemed a crock. Curiosity did kill the cat, so maybe it is a better idea to leave some ideas alone, but knowledge brought it back.

"Objects in mirror are closer than they appear." That right there is telling us that our perspective is off. Why is it that unless a reliable source tells us this information, we don't/can't believe it? Here we are being told that what we see is not what really is in front of us or behind us.

Think about the night sky. I know for some of you, it's been a while since you've looked at the stars, but did you know that some of the stars you see in the sky do not exist. When a star hits supernova and explodes, it takes years to dissipate into the universe, it takes even longer for us here on Earth to no longer see that star. Same goes for new stars. A star could be years old before we catch even a glimpse of it with our own eyes.

What does that tell you about perspective?

"There is nothing true anywhere, The true is nowhere to be seen; If you say you see the true, This seeing is not the true one."

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