Anni Mamundi

By An1ma

Muscovy duck...

.. Sitting down.

Sensible duck!

I've been to-ing and fro-ing (hands up if you read this as toing and froing, rhyming with the splendidly onomatopoeiac 'boing'!)

I was at work very early (but breaking up tomorrow! Yay!) and have little blipping time.

Added to which I'm running-in a new pair of shoes.
I'm not running in them (just to clarify any confusion for anyone who might know me and think they were reading the wrong journal).

They're not comfy enough to fill me with joie de vivre and bonhomie.
Who was it that said if your feet hurt you can't concentrate?

But, fortunately, I'm a very happy bunny. Almost all the way down :-)

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