As Told By Ginger

By 9to12


What a day.

I went for a run this morning and it was really hot out. It wasn't too fun... Then I came home and went to the library to do AP Euro work with Kathryn, Kelly, Jess, and Dan. I got two essays done! Out of twenty-seven... Still, progress is progress, no matter how small. Then I went to Daniella's house with Sam and Jess for a hot tub party! We walked to Ralph's, Jimmy Jack's, and then back to Ralph's. Then we actually went in the hot tub and played the alphabet game with Harry Potter. Then they showed me "Toast"... They memorized the whole dance! I had a great afternoon.

Happy birthday to Kaitlin!!!

Word of the Day: Dearth - An inadequate supply; scarcity; lack

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