Who knew?

By InOtherNews

Friday I'm In Love

This is taken from a place called Ludford up in the Lincolnshire Wolds, looking through the opening to someones drive. The top of their house is almost visible in the bottom left behind the trees. Who said Lincolnshire was flat.

Ludford has a street called Fanny Hands Lane. I'm glad my hand are Hand hands.

Wrestling with Silver Efex Pro and other plug ins at the moment. They don't want to install on my machine. I want them to. It's a classic story.

Tonight I'm hitting the cobbles of the Bailgate in Lincoln for an evening on the sauce. It's my mate Ed's birthday and he is one pal that I'm keeping so it's time to venture out and begin to reintegrate into normal society. No doubt I'll be making a massive cock of myself like I usually do when I've partaken alcoholic beverage, sending drunken texts and talking to insanely attractive women about men crapping.

I had nightmares about yesterdays 'man on the toilet'. Everyone thought it was hilarious and yet somehow I found it a scarring experience. I told my mate Kirky about it last night stood at a tesco cash point, and when I turned around the four female students behind us (which I hadn't noticed) found it very amusing. Good job I'm not particularly looking out for a prospective partner isn't it? Apparently girls don't 'do' toilet humour. For them seeing another girl sat on the pan is common place. How very odd.

I'd like to welcome my Mum to Blip.... that's my Mum and my brother joined up in a week. My Dad added me on Twitter the other night as well..... how are these people becoming so technologically aware? When we first got a PC in the house back in 1997 I remember Dad looking at it as if it were an alien and Mum passing hours playing solitaire. That was it. Now? My old man has a Kinect / xbox and a twitter account and my Mum can hack into NASA computers and leave rude messages for Americans. My brother? Well he's a machine, like Steve Austin (that expensive fella with metal bits in him, not the blad fella from wrestling).

Oooh that reminds me: here is an amusing song to banish those Friday blues. Listen to the words - it's like Shakespeare, byron and Viz all rolled into one.

All that remains is for me to wish you MoFo's a happy weekend, and to assure you that FINALLY I might have one that consists of a little more than my sofa, FIFA and moaning. However should I end the night moaning on a sofa somewhere I pretty sure it'll count as a result.

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