Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

Bright new girl

I only got one focused shot today and (on my monitor anyhow) it just does not do her colours justice. For the last couple of weeks Milo has been eating consistantly but last week she went in to shed, as her eyes had cleared up and a feed often kick starts the actual shedding of the old skin, I figured I'd get her out and give her a feed. As I picked her up she was very head shy and flighty. It was then that I noticed I'd disturbed her in the process of shedding so I popped her back and left her be.

She got all but her head off herself. She must have loosened it though as the top of her head inflated and deflated as she breathed, it was very cute but just didn't work on camera.

I got this shot whilst checking her over, she is such a beautiful jet black and bright honey yellow, she looks stunning!

In other news:

I got an unexpected call today from the Garden Share Scheme (Now Edinburgh Garden Partners) to say that they'd got some funding sorted out and now had their volunteers insurance in place. This means that if I can pop round and check that M is still happy to have me use her garden there will just be a little bit of paperwork to do and then I will be able to get gardening.

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