Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat


Well I've been kept in suspense all day clicking my email at every opportunity to see if the quote had come through. Unfortunately I only got it at 4:30pm and by the time I'd checked it over, seen that the price was slightly out compared to our estimation using their website prices it was too late to confirm everything today. Still hopefully tomorrow I'll get an email answering my queries and we can go ahead and book. It's ok though because half way through the day I realised it was "next week" and I was allowed the chocolates that were withheld from me last monday!

This evening Milo had a little play in the bath. She's a lot calmer now than she used to be and almost seems to enjoy it. It'll be a shame when she gets too long to have a proper swim. I often feel she looks like a little Loch Ness monster when she pauses with her head lifted out of the water!

Backblipped the weekend

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