When Tristan asked if he could "click" the camera I casually agreed. Quickly he was taking snaps of his Spiderman card, his 24-piece puzzle, his Sesame Street book, the ceiling, the tile floor, the carpet, the tips of his toes with the neck-strap of the camera hanging down, Grandpa Fun, the pooches, and a little bit of everything. I just figured that I'd have lots to delete when I downloaded the photos.
So I was surprised when I saw this photo of me (captured by my 4-year-old great grandson). I've cropped some of the clutter of the background. Otherwise, it is exactly what Tristan captured. I need to get serious about finding a kid camera for him.
The report from this evening's VBS -- when all the kids and teachers gathered at the beginning of the evening to do some singing and hear the announcements, as the lively theme song was performed with everyone singing and doing hand motions, Tristan jumped all around and even got down on the carpeted floor and did some "break dancing." Everyone else was considerably more conservative. He is such a little character. He's uninhibited; needs tons of attention; and is becoming more snuggly with every passing day.
He is spending the night at Aunt Dede & Uncle John's house, and as much as he loves them, he threw a fit when he didn't get to come back to Gramma Carol's house.
Tristan doesn't like to kiss on the lips (maybe he's seen Pretty Woman once too many times), so I've taught him that he is eskimo -- he'll kiss me by rubbing the end of his nose with mine. Sounds crazy, I know, but it really is a very touching moment. My heart is going to ache for days when he goes home to Oklahoma, but I wouldn't trade these days and these moments with him no matter how much I will hurt later.
I am concerned about my daughter though. The past 2-years of her life were severely affected by Tristan's and Desiree's moving from here to Oklahoma in 2009.
That's it for Monday from Southern California.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol
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