Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Vacation Bible School

VBS started this evening at our little church. This year's theme is wrapped around New York City. Some of the props are very creative. The teachers made taxi cabs from cardboard storage boxes. They are all painted bright yellow and quite cute. I hope to get a qulaity photo this week to display these. Our great-grandson Tristan just happens to be in the class that gets to parade around wearing these little boxes and looking like taxis.

Mr. Fun took Tristan this evening. I stayed home because my back is hurting. I think possibly I have lifted one "little" 4-year-old too many times this summer. I don't usually have back issues, but I certainly do at the moment.

I also apologize that I am not getting to blip-comments much. When we are with Tristan, life is in the "fast lane." He wants/needs full on attention. He'll only be 4-years-old once, so I'm trying to soak-up these moments with him. We're putting together lots of puzzles, reading lots of books, and he's beating me at checkers on my iPad! When I ask him to read a book to me, he tells me he wants to read "silently"! What a little stinker. We are enjoying him immensely.

Good night from Southern California.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol and aka Tristan's Great Grandparents

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