Family Dog

By Family_Dog

mash it up

mashed bananas on toast (with a side of grapes) was all I could manage for tea tonight. Just like mashed egg in a cup was all I could manage for tea last night.

That cold I was trying to avoid? Ha. If colds could talk this one would say to me (in a rather scary voice; but not as scary as my own current voice) "Abi - you should know me by now. You do not control me, I control you" and then it would do some laughing like this 'Mwaahaaaa, haaaaa. mwaaahaaa haaaaa" but I wouldn't be able to hear that because I'd cough over the top of it all and then the cold would say "would you mind covering your mouth when you cough? You unsavoury girl".

And that's me WITHOUT the benalyn.

Truth be told - I am probably sounding quite okay to you but that's because I am not speaking this. If this were a voice blog (oof, how awful) then you would be scared for me. I have been in bed, literally, since Sunday evening. I got up at 4pm today because I just couldn't take it anymore and then I spent an hour lying in the bath. Now I'm lying on the sofa.

I know everybody says this with a cold - but this is the worst one I ever remember having. I've had to get antibiotics because it's gone into my right ear so my face is numb from my eyebrow, all the way back to my ear and down to my jaw.

It's not fair. And it's most definitely NOT bonnie. I woke up this morning with hair LIKE THIS! I kid you not. Maybe a little looser at the back, but it's worrying. And thats not to mention the dribbling eyes, the red, cracked nose, the fact I can't speak.

And then, on top of all that. There's the terrible, terrible injustice of it all....

This week is my annual leave week, before maternity begins next week. That means - if I had decided to work this week, I'd have been signed off so I'd get paid for next week as annual leave.

The injustice. The injustice. The injustice.

Delirious? Moi?

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