Family Dog

By Family_Dog

cheese cack

Hello. I am the first ever cheese cake that Abi has ever made. She decided to make me because she's enjoying a lime & ginger pregnancy craving at the moment so she made me with chocolate ginger biscuit base & lemon and lime topping.

As she'd never made a cheese cake before, she followed a recipe from an old style baking cook book she was given about 10 years ago. She followed that recipe to the letter.

After she chilled me in the fridge for hours and hours she got quite excited about me and lorded her special cheese cake making powers over Bry (who himself is a much better baker).

It wasn't until Bry nearly twatted her for being such a prat that she realised that due to the raw eggs in her recipe she was unable to eat me.

Now I am going to fold in on myself and look really untempting (not deliberately, but because that is my fate) as Bry doesn't really like cheese cake. He only likes the biscuit base.

Maybe Abi will take me to her party tomorrow and maybe someone nice there will think 'ah - that cheesecake - it looks like shit, but it will taste amazing' and have a bite of me. Or maybe I am doomed to lurk at the back of The Family Dog's fridge, behind the tub of Ghee and the tomato chutney for a few days before I get chucked in the bin, never to be recreated again....

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