Looking for the beauty

By looking4beauty

Day 5

You can't really see in this photo but I managed to get loads done today (thanks dad for having the boys!). I undercoated the woodwork this morning and then this afternoon went shopping for more paint and some nick nacks to go in the room. I didn't buy any but I had a good look and I think I've decided now what I'm going to do. When I got back I painted the feature wall which is the wall on the left hand side behind the bed. You can't really see the colour in the flashlight so I'll try and get a better pic tomorrow in daylight. It'll stand out more when the other walls are done too as they are going to be white. Unfortunately I need to do a second coat on the back wall and the other walls will need two coats too - aaaarggghhh! Not much left to do now. I really enjoy painting when you start bringing it all together. I must say that I do hate prepping a room though as it seems to take forever.

I apologise for boring blips this week but I've not really had time for photography as well as decorating and looking after the boys etc etc! I am enjoying seeing the progress that I'm making in pictures though and hope you are too.

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