Life with The Pinks

By suzypink

Uncle Pink's Birthday nicnic!

My Brother turns 40 on Monday. So we have been to celebrate his impending oldness with him today. The day started off chilly and too early, but after we had loaded the car, and collected Mum, the journey itself wasn't too bad. In fact it passed in a two and a bit hour blur of "breaking dawn" Maisy Mouse, Old Macdonald had a cow, duck, sheep, elephant, rabbit guinea pig and several hyenas, and the wiggles on loop. At the other end of the journey we were greeted by my Brother and his Wife at their new and rather lovely house.
Tea drunk, children accilmatised, hugs given, presents unwrapped, and candles blown out on the cake (a tractor in a field made by myself and Master Pink),and we were ready to head off to Bushy Park near Hampton Court.
I'm not sure that Henry the eighth ate hula hoops and sausage rolls on his hunting jaunts through the royal park, but I bet he didn't have such a nice picnic as we did. We even watched the red deer roaming within 100 metres of our picnicing spot. And what a beautiful sight.
There is a fab play area at Bushy Park which Master Pink took full advantage of. He had a lovely time hurling himself down the slides and waving to Uncle Pink on the trip downwards. Auntie Pink went on the swings with him, and they challenged each other to see how high they could get. Miss Pink slept for the whole time we were at the play park, but woke up in enough time to have a run around and to try Auntie Pink's sunhat on.
We went back to the "new house" after a play, for a cool down (it turned into a REALLY hot day). And after a pizza tea, we headed back to Essex-shire. It was a lovely day spent with my family.
I think Uncle Pink may have a little surprise tonight....but sssshhhh don't tell him!

Happy Birthday Big Bruv!

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