Life with The Pinks

By suzypink

dandelion clock

Master Pink came in the garden to pick some peas with me for tea, and he found a dandelion head to make into a clock. I had my camera so very quickly took a couple of shots, it could have been better but it's a nice reminder of the day.

This morning we went to Edward bear for the summer picnic. Master Pink came along as an Ed Bear graduate! They both enjoyed being with friends and especially enjoyed the picnic. After Ed Bear we ended up letting the children have a run around outside before deciding we didn't really want to go home yet. So we made an impromptu plan to go to one of the local pubs that has a bouncy castle in the beer garden, for some lunch and to continue the "party". It was thoroughly lovely, and the children all get on so well. It's fab. I got to have a good chat with my mummy friend Kate and the mini pinks got to play, bounce and get grubby with their chums.

Back at home I made banana cake with Master Pink. I watched the men's gymnastics (well done team GB). And we booked a campsite for next week. Hoorah!

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