All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch


After the excitement of the wedding yesterday and Ethan's late, late night, I wasn't too surprised when he needed a lie-in. Fortunately I had the day off today so it wasn't a problem as I didn't have to rush him to nursery before work.

Although I woke at 7.30am, Ethan didn't stir till 8.15am - fab! Feeling rather guilty, I took him to nursery as usual though as I wanted to take advantage of a quiet house and get lots of things done. Typically, I didn't get as much done as I wanted, although my washing is pretty much now up to date and my bedroom has been gutted! I also uploaded lots of wedding photos to Facebook - that always takes longer than I think it will.

It was another meltdown from Ethan this evening though. Huge tantrums at teatime which only a bottle of milk would resolve. It doesn't seem to be a hunger / thirst issue - simply that the bottle of milk is a comforter. Hubbie & I aren't agreeing on this being an acceptable solution to the tantrums at the moment though. Ah the joys of differences of opinions!

Ethan didn't want his bath either and ended up having a shower with me instead. When I'd asked him to go and get a nappy, instead of bringing me one like he usually does, he decided to take every single one out the bag and create a big pile on his nursery floor!

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