Plugging Away

By plugg

Bean and Gone

Two whingeing grumbles coming up..

I spent a v silly amount of time trying to rip a cd (free with a magazine) onto the computer and then onto Guy's MP4 player.
The stupid little gadget decided to arange all the tracks in alphabetical order. As it was a Dr Who story CD this is a little annoying.

Had fun and games (not) while feeding a friend's cat.
The stupid cat had caught a pigeon and brought it into the house. How it even got it through the cat-flap I cannot imagine.
The pigeon was very cross and had expressed its displeasure in several sites on the sitting room carpet. Susie and I decided not to notice that.
In the end I was v. brave and caught it and put it outside. Heroic, or what?

Meanwhile, painting in the sitting room, and the first coat is on and looking very pale tasteful.

I can show you it tomorrow, maybe!

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