
By cracker

Wide Angle!!

Woke up this morning in the beach house to blue skies and sunshine!! Kaz had to work so Spence and I pottered around and then went and did the food shopping, called in and saw Mum at her work, had a haircut and then came back. Dad was here when we got back looking at the bore pump that has been continuously running since we got here. He ended up having to get a plumber to come who disconnected it. We also got Dad to look at the knobs on the old oven that is here as two of them weren't working. It is very handy having him live so close!!!

Spence and I went for a walk in the afternoon to the park and then the shop, then Kaz picked us up in the car then we all went to the beach for a play! It was a hazy afternoon, the waves were crashing, the sun was setting and it was still fairly warm! Spence was in the water at one stage, running away from a wave, tripped and did a face plant in the sand!! It was hilarious!! He thought it was funny!!

I got to try out my new wide angle lens and love it!! Here is an hdr of the setting sun using the wide angle!!

Back blipped yesterday's! We are 100% complete on the reno!!

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