Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

2011Tuesday -- Ran Away Today

We're a long way from home this evening. (This photo is the south end of Cayucos Beach, and we are staying at the Motel 6 in San Simeon.)

We left the 3 pooches at Kenner's Kennel this morning with their soft bedding,  their squeaky toys, and of course, lots of kebble.

Then we pointed ourselves toward the coast and arrived at the ocean as quick as possible. The pounding of the waves, the sound of their crashing, and an occasional bird screech are refreshing for these two people.

We are currently continuing to compose our summer soundtrack, so while driving here I continued to pull-up some meaningful tunes on the iPod. How do people live without music? without dancing? without a little running away?

On the second day of August just consider us LOST; we're running away. We're gone! No one knows where we are and truthfully does anyone care where we are? Don't think so!

If you think I'm a little sassy tonight -- you are wrong! I'm a lot sassy. Yesterday everything just went to "you know where" in a hand-basket! I bit my lip; drew blood; and remembered that a soft answer turns away wrath (wise words). So today I'm kicking sand into the wind. Getting it outta my system.

Mostly, I'm just so glad that I've got my partner -- Mr. Fun -- he continues to be the best surprise of my life, my best friend, the one who makes me laugh, the one who reminds me what's important and what's NOT!  

Someday maybe I'll write about what's so terribly upside-down in our lives, but not tonight. No, tonight I'm going to look over the rainbow that all this lovely sea foam is making, rejoice in the music of the ocean and DANCE!

If this doesn't make any sense . . . it wasn't suppose to. You're amazing that you read this far! Thank YOU!

Good night from the Central Coast of California.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

P.S. Mr. Fun took this amazing photo. He gets all the credit. I was off kicking sand!

P.P.S. I rarely "rant" here so I should apologize. This is my private journal -- I know it's a very public place, but none of my family have the key (except Mr. Fun).  Venting felt so right tonight. Now I can enjoy my time away.

P.P.P.S. This looks amazing in "BIG" so if you'd like -- just tap the magnifying glass on the toolbar below the photo. It will make Mr. Fun feel really important. ;-)

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