
By mandygf

Elgol daytrip....

... another day out exploring this beautiful isle....... who needs to go abroad when you have beauty like this on your doorstep!...

...we stopped so I could get a couple of pics... & Stuart said to me... "you have too much sky in that one...".... to which Teegan pipped up... "but Dad... it's all Skye"... - very quick Teegs!

we're so high up it feels like looking out of an aeroplane window.... really weired...

...there are so many sheep & cows wandering on the roads & they have no fear either, they look at you as if you're in the way....

this morning before we headed off Teegan was sitting on the jetty just outside the caravan & she came running up for her camera... all excited as she had spotted starfish in the water... loads of them.... we all went for a look.... & so many hermit crabs too...

while we were out we got them a net & Cooper had his busket filled with water & a bit of seaweed that he was convinced was a fish....

another midgie/uno filled evening... Teegan won the uno... the midgies won the beastie battle....

Stuart has been preparing to do his mountain climb tomorrow... crazy!!! but I hope the weather is good for him... for us it will be a quiet & relaxing one....

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