
By cracker

An uphill battle!

Kaz left early this morning to go into Melbourne for work. She is staying there tonight then coming back tomorrow. Spence and I had breakfast then read about 20 books! We went into the mobile library on Monday and borrowed a whole heap of books which was great!

We did some tidying, I mowed the lawns then we got ready and walked down to the beach! It is another lovely day today, no wind and quite mild temperatures! There was no-one else at the beach and Spence and I played in the sand, drawing pictures, kicking the footy and throwing a ball!

We saw this spider trying to climb up the sand bank. He would climb a little bit then the loose sand would start coming down and he would move his little legs trying to get some traction, but no luck! I liked how this turned out with the movement of the sand!

Spence is having a sleep now then we are going into Foster so I can go to the physio for my back which has been quite sore lately. My cousin, Kim and her husband, Tristan and their baby, Alexandra are coming over this afternoon so I should go and tidy up some more!

Thanks for all the congratulations on yesterday's news!!

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