Who knew?

By InOtherNews

More droplets

Yeah that's right, more droplets. So? I make no apology at all. I'm experimenting, I'm a fledgling photographer still finding his feet in the technical world of togging. therefore today you have droplets through my macro attachment and my standard lens. Yesterday, no attachment and my 70-300mm. Yesterday it was 'more or less' SOOC whereas today I've added a layer of Topaz Adjust Detailed to help pick key bits out.

Fuck me that sounded like I knew what I was doing.

So last night I intended to edit the Deranged Ferret fanzine (because I'm the editor) but instead ended up at my Dad's with my old schoolfriend Michelle and her sister Nicola. Nicki has just completed a photography A level and is going to manchester Met to study it further in September. Michelle said 'oh gary is a photographer to'.....

"Have you ever used film?"

End of conversation. There are two types of film I'm familiar with. the first is usually accompanied by a bargain bucket for one and choice of any seat in my living room, whilst the other comes with the prefix 'cling' and is used to preserve any sandwiches I may choose to have with me at any given time. As for putting something in the back of a camera - no chance. it takes me 30 shots to get just one worthy of being loaded into photoshop.....

That wanker that lives next door started chainsawing at 8am and has JUST stopped. I assume that means his one year old twins have just nodded off. Let's hope they use the Rancid album 'and Out Come The Wolves' as a sleep aid because that is what the ignorant ***** are getting from now until 6pm. How dare they interrupt my beauty sleep? now I'm not as beautiful as I could have been and it's their fault (not the twins, to be fair they probably don't have a say in their muppet fathers actions).

Sing along now kiddies: "Black coat, white shoes, black hat: cadillac..... yeah the boys a timebomb"

it's okay if you don't know the words. You will do by tea time.

In other news it appears that my finger and the 'shift' key are not seeing eye to eye this morning, hence several literacy based errors in my text. By this morning I clearly mean 2.58pm.

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