Who knew?

By InOtherNews

Wooden Eagle

Theres an inspiring title for you. That's what it is.

Not a massive entry today. I've seen my Nanna from Exeter which was nice. She's 84 and I sadly haven't seen her since my Granddads funeral back in 2008. I feel bad for it, but as she lives in Exeter it isn't easy. She's visiting but I suspect it'll be the last chance she gets to come up here as she is getting frail now.

Yesterday after blasting my neighbour with Rancid I decided to go out and about for a bit. I jumped in the car, cranked up the stereo like ay 32 year old man who still wants to feel young and set off for destination unknown. As I pulled off my front lawn drive I immediately got stuck behind none other than my idiot neighbour. I then proceeded to follow him for three miles, playing the same loud tunes I used at home to get my own back. I must admit following him to the shops with my music on perhaps took revenge to the extreme, but I felt happy about it.

I'm not happy at the moment with my back. It's not in need of surgery like my little brothers is, but I do seem to be having an allergic reaction to something. I first suspected Honey Nut Cornflakes, but I've now ruled them out. However I get really itchy skin, and when I scratch it i leave marks on my back like a leper. Within minutes it's all gone.

What could it be? Am I allergic to coke? I hope not, where else will I get my sugar / caffeine fix? Maybe I'm allergic to hard work. I might try ruling that out for a week or two.

To anyone that tries to claim the football season kicked off yesterday, please ensure that you tell them they are talking bollocks. A few teams had matches in something called 'the football league', but as my boys were relocated (not relegated) to the Blue Square Premier league we don't kick off yet.

By the way which of these sounds like the better league? The Blue Square Premier, League 1 or League 2. It's the Premier one isn't it? Of course it is. In this league we play real places like York and Mansfield and Cambridge, not wanky made up places from the Sarf like Crawley or Wycombe or Stevenage.

Tomorrow: more average photos and a return to something mildly funny underneath.

Listen time to get serious for a while. Yesterday I got a sixth spotlight in a row, and I couldn't let it pass without going all soft and saying thanks. This website has some wonderful photographers on it, and yet somehow I find my stuff on the spotlight pages. I've tried to comment a bit less as I don't wanna look like I'm seeking them out but in truth I love getting spotlighted. It's a massive boost to my confidence (and it will surprise you to know I really lack self confidence) and getting one is a highlight of my day. So thank you.

Now in an effort to not sound such a sap, why don't y'all get lost and look at some decent photos? Eh? Go on, do one.


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