Step Cautiously

By alixmarie11


For starters, yes I know this is not a picture of men, but in fact a picture of shoes. Okay, now that we addressed the elephant in the room, let me tell you about the real purpose of this picture.

Well, one) it's to show off my new shoes :). And two) it's to talk about my new shoes.

As I'm sure you know, the high heel shoe was invented by a man in order to make a woman look taller, thinner, and in better shape. When you wear high heels, you're butt looks fantastic. This is not just an added perk, it is in fact the aim of the high heel shoe.

But want to know what I find really humorous about this fashion statement? They hurt like hell. As amazing as they make you look, they are not comfortable. Now, I know there are going to be some of you that read that and say, "But I love wearing them and mine are comfortable!" Because you don't really want to admit that you wear them just to feel prettier.

Girls and women alike love to get attention from the opposite sex. High heels are man's way of getting and giving women that attention. As much as we'd love to say our society is growing in the respect that men and women are respected and regarded as equals, there are some parts of our culture that still reject this idea. We objectify women whether you want to believe it or not.

Go ahead and think that I'm this feminist trying to convince you to not wear heels and that next I'm going to tell you to stop shaving your armpits and legs. It's not true. I understand fully that I sound like I'm pushing for a new revolution, but I'm the one with the new high heels. I plan on wearing them, not burning them along with my bra.

It's just my aim to inform at this point. And to make you think. What if it were a woman's world instead of a man's? What if way back when we were still living in caves, what if the woman went out and did the hunting? Most species of animals have a female dominated culture. Look at bees, look at penguins, look at birds. It is the job of the female to go hunt, it is the job of the female to pick the male, not the other way around. If we had switched roles way back in the Garden of Eden, how different do you think society would be?

Could we have lived in a world that was more equal and more forgiving? Or do you think men would have still conquered? Is it possible that the world would be the exact same dynamics, except reversed? How is it that women are so programmed to perform and dress for men?

I don't know how I feel on the issue of men vs women, but I do know I would love to picture a world that prides the strength of women, not men.

"Woman was taken out of man; not out of his head to top him, nor out of his feet to be trampled underfoot; but out of his side to be equal to him."

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